Tag Archives: automatic macro variables

Automatic SAS Macro Variables: &sqlxmsg, &sqlxsrc

When I gave my presentation on Explicit SQL Pass-Through syntax, one of the questions asked by the audience was how to retrieve error messages from the DBMS being queried. So, for example, if I query an Oracle database, how can I get Oracle-generated error messages if my query fails? SAS will give you error messages in the log, but sometimes they are not very helpful (ex: ERROR: PROC SQL requires any created table to have at least one column).

Using two automatic SAS macro variables with a %put statement can print more specific information to the log:

&sqlxmsg: contains DBMS-specific error messages
&sqlxrc: contains DBMS-specific error codes

Here’s what it looks like when you use these macro variables in a pass-through query:

proc sql;
connect to oracle (path= prodj.cigna.com user=uid password=pwd);
%put &sqlxmsg &sqlxrc; /*prints error messages to log*/
create table work.test as
select * from connection to oracle
(select * from onesource_o.s1_claim);
%put &sqlxmsg &sqlxrc; /*prints error messages to log*/
disconnect from oracle;